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why we need a new board of education
We need strong conservative candidates to run in District 1 and 2 for 2022. Is it you?
Superintendent Bearden has been aware of pornographic and sexually explicit books in our schools since August 2021. He has ignored parents' requests to conduct an audit to find and remove ALL of these books. The Board has refused to hold Superintendent Bearden accountable for providing these sex books to minors. We must replace the Board with the end goal of replacing the Superintendent.
The Board no longer represents the parents and constituents in their district but rather makes decisions on their own and without accountability.
The Board approved of a DEI plan that was designed by Superintendent Bearden and radical organizations outside our school system devoted to CRT and racist ideologies.
The Board admitted to tenants of CRT and Anti-American ideology being taught to our teachers but is unwilling to hold anyone accountable.
The Board states that the teaching of these radical, racist, Anti-American ideologies was "unintentional."
The Board and Superintendent Bearden have only "paused" teacher training and has remained committed to implementing racist and divisive DEI policies in our schools.

YES, I want more information about becoming a Board member.
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